Fri, 27 Dec, 2024

Standing Between Physics and Poetry

By Arjun Dahal

Darling, you've made me The terrorist of poetry. It was you from where my lines started, And I roamed through Natural, Supernatural, Love, Romance, Philosophy, I came across everything, Just to find you're gone.   These days, I see you, Through my dreams of X-Rays, And the high voltage current, Vibrates my soul, Melting me in centigrade. For physics had ever been in my veins, From my days of childhood, And shall be till the eternity.   Now, I stand between Poetry and Physics. Two roads diverge in front of me. It was you who gifted me Poetry And It's nature who gifted me Physics. Through the poetry, I can explore the abstract souls, And through Physics, I can describe the entire universe. Had you been with me all these time, I would have long ago completed my unfinished papers, And would have got a number of peer-reviewed publications. And since you never encouraged me, I'm training myself, To be back with the equations, The symmetries, the particles, And most of all my dreams.   Hence I must choose the path, Very next to you Yes, your radiations gonna affect me forever But I'll love to dance with The insane equations, that governs the nature And thus you as well. So, alone, I shall go with the Physics, And for poetry, I shall always hail you with the deepest respect, In terms of admiring poem of Robert Frost, "The Road Not Taken".

About Author:
Arjun Dahal is undergrad student of Physics at Tri-Chandra Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Talkative, Crazy, Funny, and Fun loving guy, his passion lies in Physics, Mathematics, Music, Literature, and Philosophy. His Non-fiction has appeared in Blue Marble Review. His poetry has appeared/forthcoming in Burningword Literary Journal, Autumn Sky Poetry Daily, The Fable Online, Ann Arbor Review, The Recusant, and DWIT News.