Fri, 18 Oct, 2024

Sky Cable Goes Digital

By Amun Kharel

Photo Courtesy: Amun Kharel Sky cable is a company which has been providing cable service in Nepal for a very long time. Largely influenced by the Indian Cable networks, it has now switched its service to satellite cable. People are purchasing setup box from the company to enjoy the service of High Quality channels. Over 70 channels in HD quality are being provided currently. Currently, purchasing the setup box is not mandatory because of several issues faced by the company. Cable Servicemen of the company highly recommend purchasing the setup box inorder to enjoy non-stop cable TV in high quality. The cable serviceman also believes soon the service will be mandatory in all parts of the country. As mentioned earlier, Nepalese cable service is highly influenced by the Indian cable networks. India has made this system mandatory already in several states. In 2012/13, cable services were switched to satellite cables in various states of the country. It took almost a year to implement the service in various states of India. Still Chennai and other smaller states have not been able to implement the service. Sky cable started this service almost 2 years back when people had to purchase the setup box for Rs 3000. But the service was on and off going for almost a year before they kept the service on hold. They were sued by another popular Nepalese satellite cable service DishHome on license issue. After almost a year, the service is back and now it promises to continuously provide high quality service to the people. According to the cable servicemen, “The Company won a lawsuit against DishHome cable currently on the license issue and can provide the service uninterrupted for 5 years.” When asked about the lawsuit against the DishHome, he said,” No further details can be provided on the lawsuit right now.” The company doesn’t seem to be living upto the expectation and the service don’t seem to be uninterrupted. Frequently the service shows no signal and people have to switch to the conventional TV cable going through lots of trouble. The Company doesn’t want to reveal the reason behind such problems and also wants to keep low profile on the lawsuit issue. Definitely something is cooking. People would love to enjoy the cable service in high quality but the company’s problems on the cable service keep on mounting. In no time, people might get frustrated on the service and just go back to conventional cable services. This will definitely not help the cause of sky cable to implement the satellite cable service all over the country. Hope they resolve whatever the problem is, so that people can be entertained by high quality cable service at cheaper rate.