Fri, 27 Dec, 2024

Nepali Attire

By Nikita Gautam

Nepal is a multilingual, multi-ethnic, multicultural and geographically as well as climatically diversified nation. Unlike western countries, although Nepal is small in size, but comprises a wide range of unique, culturally diverse practices, which are interrelated.Nepal comprises a rich culture and civilization, which is shared by 23 million Nepalese people whose social structure; occupation, food habits, dressing styles and religious beliefs make each one of them distinctive. Culturally people in Nepal dress modestly. The traditional dresses in Nepal for men are Daura Suruwal and Dhaka Topi, and for women are cotton or silk woven Guniu Cholo and Haku Patasi.  Each ethnic group has its own cultural dress such as Sherpa, for men, Kitycow, Chubba, Kara and Tolung, for women, Tongkok, Raatuk, Gewe and Kyetig. In Newari culture the traditional dress for women is, Parsi, Patuka, Haku Patasi, Hakugacha, Lan, Suruwa with traditional jewelry. This reflects how Nepal although is a combination of different cultures within a single umbrella, but it has infinite dimensions within itself. However Nepalese are not confined within a single dressing style. Roaming around the city itself can display the variety of dressing trends that people follow. People in Nepal have been influenced greatly by varied designs and fashion, including western dress. Trends are seasonal in Nepal. Unlike many Asian countries in Nepal you have freedom to choose whichever clothing you are comfortable with. From tight jeans to kurthas and sarees, everything is acceptable. Despite of their freedom to choose people have still maintained their cultural dress. Modern dresses have gained more popularity in recent years but haven't held people back from being traditional. The growing trends of party culture have also pushed people into buying boutique dresses. This has helped designers to flourish, which has increased the rate of production of young entrepreneurs. This has made people more conscious in preserving the cultural dresses. For example during wedding ceremonies, people have been combining traditional to modern to give it a new twist. Thanks to a welcoming society, the clothing markets have been flourishing, and people wear what they love to wear.