Fri, 27 Dec, 2024

Mental Dissonance

By Arjun Dahal

He stood at the topmost of bridge, Glared at the blazing sun, Then, scowled down to the flowing river, Quiet and thoughtless.   Two wolves fight inside him, One the angel and a hope, The next an evil and sorrow. Both battles for victory.   He turns back to see the streets, The angel forecasts him a path of painful success. Then, the devil interrupts, Shows him the way to end the eternal pain.   He drives back to his memories, The hope shows him serenity Then, the sorrow consoles, Death is the ultimate truth.   Both the wolves hold their logic, And their undeniable fallacies. But the one will reach to glory, To which his mind commands.

About Author:
Arjun Dahal is undergrad student of Physics at Tri-Chandra Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Talkative, Crazy, Funny, and Fun loving guy, his passion lies in Physics, Mathematics, Music, Literature, and Philosophy. His Non-fiction has appeared in Blue Marble Review. His poetry has appeared/forthcoming in Burningword Literary Journal, Autumn Sky Poetry Daily, The Fable Online, Ann Arbor Review, The Recusant, and DWIT News.