Fri, 27 Dec, 2024


By Rejina Kattel

Up to my knowledge, the most terrible thing I know is enduring hunger. However, hunger is not horrible solely for me, but for all life in the universe. The definition of hunger in the sense of food is not enough to define a human’s appetite. When I perceived the narrow world around me, I thought that hunger merely related to food.  But when I grew-up, I got to see a spacious world in the wider sense where people seek, hunt and die to satisfy other types of hunger too.

In the sense of food, hunger is a feeling of discomfort and distress due to lack of food and it is a desire to eat. Amid all hunger, hunger for food is horrifying because food is a central requisite for survival. Hunger has destructive and far-reaching effects. Hunger kills more people each year than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis pooled. Malnutrition in premature epoch causes physical and mental predicaments which ultimately affects social, economic and political aspects of the world. The ferocious phase of starvation and manifestations are barriers for escalation, and the plight is passed from one generation to the next. Hunger often forces children into child labor, so many fail to obtain proper education which leads to major social problems like burglary, break-in, theft, larceny, gang fights etc.

Hunger for food is the foremost motive of communal apprehension segregates individuals because of wealth variation. Hunger can be the input factor that can destabilize this entire cosmos.

Hunger and appetite stimulate terrorism by causing utter desolation and annoyance which thrusts people to bond with terrorist organizations. Nearly all terrorist groups belong to pitiable developing countries where people are always suppressed and dominated by law, government and swanky society. Terrorist organizations provide higher wages although the percentage of risk is very high. Countries with weedy administration, venerable associations, and restricted civil rights are the foundation to the production and growth of terrorists and their heart throbbing movement.

Human’s appetite can’t be expunged and erased in the charisma of limited desires like food, money, prosperity, status, love, sex, etc. It is natural and appreciable that humans experience hunger for food, money, prosperity, love, sex, status, etc. All these desire are approvable up to certain perimeter and are obligatory for hale and hearty living. But slaughtering and tearing down someone’s life for the sake of personal need is a sin.

The hunger of an empty belly can simply be detached from civilization but thirst of money, prosperity, status, love and sex from their nearest and dearest is hard hitting and can wipe out humanity. Hunger beyond bound is not termed as hunger but it is a devil which at a snail's pace destroys the social wellbeing of universe. In these days, all these actions and scam of examples are happily seen in the world.

 Actually Politician (trust of innocent citizens) should be both slave and master for the sake of nation and its people. But in fact, they have become the master of corruption, fraud, sleaze and bribery. They have disregarded their belief, and their oaths are gone in vain, all we can see is their hunger.

Businessmen have crucial the function for physical and economic advancement of the country, but they are suffering from hunger of meager labor.  High-class people who are the prosperity of the state are hungry for status. A lover who is symbol of sacrifice and devotion is hungry of his woman’s body.

It is not easy for eliminating such scary hunger from our society. Along with enforcement of law, another parallel action for eradication of inequality, biasness, discrimination and frustration should be taken, so that people can’t underestimate or overestimate themselves.

(Rejina Kattel is a student studying Chartered Accountant at Institute of Chartered Account of India, New Delhi.)