Fri, 27 Dec, 2024

Gloomy Hour Zero

By Arjun Dahal

  Begin your new dream, On a foreign land I shall remain native. With all the left mementoes, Vivid throughout my brain, Aye, your hiatus for these years, Is sure gonna thrive me to isolation. Be destined for your next day, Move on, till the end. Silent and alone, I too shall furnish my dream Am I gonna miss you? Well I don't have certainity And scold me O' brother, A brother from a different mother, For every vermin deeds of mine. Forgive me for my absence,, A correct mistake Absence at your hour zero. I shall be waiting, This time, I won't be late

About Author: Arjun Dahal is an undergrad student of Physics at Tri-Chandra Campus, Tribhuvan University. His interests lie in Physics, Mathematics, Music, Literature, and Philosophy. His English writings have appeared in Blue Marble Review, Burningword Literary Journal, Yellow Chair Review, and DWIT News. His Nepali poems have appeared in various online news portals and can be found via