Fri, 27 Dec, 2024

DWIT Job Fair, 2018 One Question

By Aabishkar Pandey

Image: Documentary Movie  Dramatics
During the DWIT Job Fair, held on 23rd March 2018, the DWIT News interviewed some of the guests. They were asked the question: "What do you think about the DWIT Job Fair?" And their replies were as follows: “It is really good to see a platform for all the students and companies to come together and interact. The anxiety, nervousness and excitement reminded me of the time when I was about to give my first interview.” -Suryaraj Timalsina, Deerwalk Services representative   “This was something that needed to be initiated by someone and it's good to see Deerwalk take the initiative. This fair will certainly grow in the coming years and provide opportunities for both students and companies to connect.” -Roshan Gautam, Bajra Technologies representative   “It certainly took our interest when we first heard about such a fair to be held and we are really delighted to be the title sponsor of such an event.” -Sunena Shrestha, KDC (Kantipur Digital Corp)representative   “There has always been a problem for the students to connect with right companies and for companies to reach out to students with technical skills as per their demand. Job Fair has definitely filled that gap.” -Abhishek Bhakta Shrestha, Merojob representative   “It is something that every college should be able to organize for the exposure to the real world especially for a competitive field like IT. Deerwalk has definitely set the footsteps for others to follow.” -Santosh Dhungana, Institute of Information and Technology Nepal representative