Fri, 27 Dec, 2024

DWIT Conducts Presentation Sessions

By Shreha Regmi

3rd and 4th of July were allocated as presentation days by the college. On these two days, the students of Batch 015 and 016 gave presentations on the application they had already built and the application they propose to build respectively. The students from Batch of 2015 presented their application named CCMS(Check In Check Out Management System) on 3rd July. The 7 students involved in the project demonstrated different modules they had worked on in the 1st and 2nd versions of the system. The judges of the presentation session were Alok Koirala, Assintant Director of R&D at DWIT,  Craig Appl, Lecturer at DWIT, and Sushant Pokharel, Senior Engineer at Deerwalk Services. On 4th July, Batch of 2016 gave presentations on their term papers. As their term papers, the students had to make a BRD (Business Requirement Document) on the application they propose to build for the college. Every student  gave a brief description about their application including the use case, the work flow and the benefits their products will probably bring to the college. The judges were Alok Koirala and Craig Appl with additional judges who were the employees of Deerwalk Services. The main objective of the presentation sessions was to make the students able to sell their projects in the market. The judges asked a lot of questions which made the program very interactive. The students from Batch of 2017 got the opportunity to see the presentations and accumulate ideas about the session and products. In the end, Hitesh Karki, Academic Director at DWIT, marked July 3rd and 4th as presentation days for every year. He said that DWIT will be having presentation sessions yearly on these dates and different sets of people will be invited to attend the program.