Fri, 27 Dec, 2024

Deerwalk Canteen Service to be Reformed and Reorganized

By Asmit Ojha

Art By: Shreha Regmi

Deerwalk Foods is soon announcing free lunch for all the employees of Deerwalk Services. All employees can now enjoy a buffet system of lunch along with the current Official Dinner from the In-house Canteen known as Deerwalk Foods.

"We want to make the canteen system more efficient and effective so that everyone can get timely and quality service. Our sole target is to provide hygienic, tasty food at a reasonable price," says the Canteen Manager Mr. Mohan Thapa. He has been working as the Canteen Manager for the last three months. As per him, the free lunch system is being initiated to get rid of the hassle and ensure equal treatment to all the people of the Deerwalk Family.

Currently, the canteen is running independently of Deerwalk Services in terms of the goods supplied, staffs hired and fired, training, supply and other internal tasks. According to Thapa, Deerwalk Foods is running at a loss and the price of all the food is going to be increased by 4-8% very soon." We cannot afford to give the same service following the menu that was designed some two and half years back. In terms of running costs, payment to employees, and quality supply, we have to be able to make some profit. Quality comes at a cost," he mentions.

Discussing the effect of the increased price on students, he says, "I can understand the problem of students as I have come through this stage in my life. The discussions are being held with the Campus Chief and I am trying to find a solution soon. Primarily, we are trying to design a separate menu which will include smaller food items at an affordable price."

The canteen is making a target so that everyone inside the Deerwalk premises is able to get the canteen service at an affordable cost.  "We want to give service to the CEO, Managers, and employees, students to all the office helpers, sweepers and drivers. No one has to go outside the premises for any kind of food services. Our sole target is safe, healthy, hygienic and tasty food."

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