Fri, 18 Oct, 2024

Balanced Diet With Busy Lifestyle

By Sweekriti Gautam

Picture Courtesy: Neesha Dhungana

Deadlines to meet, late night works and early morning classes. In this busy schedule you simply forget to take care of your diet. According to a renowned Spanish quote, "A man too busy to care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools". Many of us prioritize our work and studies and forget to work on our health.

Combination of workload, stress, mental tension and unhealthy food makes you an unhealthy person. This, in turn, hampers your studies or work. A person, who fails to take high energy and nutritious food, fails to succeed in his/her life. It is not a good idea to ignore your meal to meet your busy schedules. Even though you may complete your task by escaping your meals and working late but you may end up being the one in college or work taking the most days off because of illness.

To stay awake late at night, most of us rely on coffee, but excess coffee overloads your liver and dehydrates you. The best way to stay healthy with your busy lifestyle is to stay hydrated. You can always keep a bottle of water with yourself. A busy person finds it easier to have packaged or processed food because they don’t need to put any effort to prepare it and that saves time. The processed goods have artificial color and flavors that ultimately affect your health. So, to stay healthy despite of your busy lifestyle, have a look at your plate and include everything required for a balanced diet in your daily meal. Don't ignore your meals for your work.

Everyone is busy with his or her own life, be it a student or an employee. However, you should always separate some time for yourself and your health. Everyone has a dream make a wonderful career so that they can live their life happily. But don't forget that your health plays the most important part in guiding you to your dreams.