Wed, 23 Oct, 2024

Three Projects For S.L.C Appeared Students

By Bijaya Kumar Shrestha

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Proper utilization of free time after examination [S.L.C.] has become a great challenge for students, especially in a country like Nepal. Here are three projects that you can do during your free time.

  1. Weekdays Project

The tasks in weekdays project are very simple. Here are some of the things you can do. Visit different schools to understand the different programs they are offering. There are plenty of courses to choose from; A-level, +2 etc. Do proper research before deciding a school or a program. Also, be aware false hopes provided by the schools. Go to your nearest library, and grab a stack of books that seem interesting; spend at least one hour with a coffee reading through them. It helps to improve your reading skill. Identify people who have done something you find cool, and send them an e-mail asking them concise and specific questions on how they got started down that path. If possible try interviewing them and document your interview in the form of an article. It helps to improve your writing skill.

  1. Weekend Project

Start doing Weekend Projects that have no external deadlines or outside pressure for completion. For example: publishing a short story, growing a blog, launching a micro-business, running community sanitation program etc. You can even help your parents in cooking, or in cleaning the house. You can learn to wash your clothes and dishes, and learn to cook. If you have plans to go abroad for further study in the future, learning these activities makes your life efficient. If there is free space in the compound, turn it into a kitchen garden and grow green vegetables. The important thing here is to allocate a specific time for these projects, and put all your energy into it.

  1. Adventures Project

There’s nothing more demotivating than sitting in your room doing nothing. Try avoiding these situations at all cost. Instead, plan adventures for your free time. Go watch a movie or a drama in the theater. Go for hiking or cycling with your friends and family. But, do not put economic pressure on your parents in the name of adventure projects. You can try to earn some money from weekend projects for your adventure projects. You can plan to attend interesting events in your area like sporting events, musical concerts, and conferences.


Having free time is definitely better than being busy. But, take your free time seriously. If you don’t use it productively, it goes wasted. The key is finding something that is interesting and impressive, and something that makes you happy.