Sun, 22 Dec, 2024

Three Days at IOT Conference

By Suraj Prasai

 DWIT College team at IoT Conference
It was a break from the everyday college life. Going to college early morning and coming back day after day, it was quite boring. It was the story of such one boring day that I was called and got an opportunity to represent DWIT College in the IOT training classes that were going to be held. It was an event carried out by professors of Coventry University, U.K. This event mainly focused on research. What is IOT? And writing program in IOT sensors. The first day, we were called at 8:30 AM for registration. I called my senior, Subigya Nepal '17 and we together, along with Ritu Raj Lamsal, Head of Electronics Department at DWIT College, went for the registration. The first day focused on research. On the early morning, we as a group was asked to present our views on why research is done, how it can be done and its importance. After the early brainstorming period, we had lunch. Then, we were taught how to write research papers. It included some lectures and some video contents as well. I found these classes very productive not just because of the communicative, question-seeking nature of the event but also with the intriguing field of research itself. At the end of the day, we were given homework, just like in college. The homework was a to think of a presentation topic for 3MT presentation and make one appropriate slide. 3MT presentations are idea peaching presentations where the speakers present their ideas to the viewers describing a single slide in a 3-minute timeframe. On the morning of the second day, most of us presented our ideas. Thinking all night long, I could only come up with the question that "Is Cloud Accessed ML Engine Feasible in Nepal?" My idea was that with sudden blackouts and slow internet, would it be possible to use ML analysis in the cloud to control IOT devices? Obviously, the answer was a 'No' and my solution was to use a Rasberry Pi to replace them. With some ahh's and stutters, I managed to present it to everyone. In this morning session, we all graded the speakers and then went for lunch. After having lunch, at around 2 P.M. the evening session started. The result of morning presentations was declared, but I didn't win. One of the professors then started talking about what IOT is, what are its principles, and how they are used. They presented us with some of their projects which used IOT sensors to solve the problems. At the end of the day, each group was asked to write an abstract on an application of IoT sensors that could solve some problems existing in Nepal. At night, we discussed what topic to choose so that we could write something on. After long discussions, we came up with the topic of "Electricity Theft Detecting Using IOT ." The next day was the day of programming. One of the professors started presenting us with the NesC programming language specially developed for programming small devices implementing TinyOS. The morning was boring and we didn't know what he was doing. But after the lunch, when we started to code on the Telosb mote i.e an IOT sensor device ourselves, all the pieces came together.We somehow managed to program the mote so that it could detect the temperature of the room. The event came to an end. Our writing managed to win the earlier day abstract writing and also be the runner-up for the programming session. After some photo session and certificate distribution, the event came to an end officially. The knowledge received was very practical, it could always be useful. It was an educational event and I feel that such events should be frequently organized.