Sun, 22 Dec, 2024

Tattoos: The Next Step in the Field of Technology

By Ankit Pradhan

Twenty-first Century, this is the era of science and technology. There have been many inventions in the field of technology which have revolutionized the whole world. These developments have made life quite easy and smooth. There are many companies working hard to discover something new that can make life much easier. Google and Motorola are the companies taking a step to bring such a revolution. They have registered their patent application, electronic throat and they call it as a “Tattoo”. This device contains a power supply, an embedded microphone and a wireless transceiver, and can connect to a Smartphone, smart watch or Google Glass. It can be said as a Bluetooth device that is used to receive calls connected to our phones, but it is quite advanced and has many features than these Bluetooth devices. This tattoo is said to be a wearable technology, compared to Google’s latest glasses, called as Google Glass that takes voice commands, records and shares what you have seen,  and comes with many other features. It shows that these Glasses are just the beginning of something big to come. This device is specially focused on eliminating background noise while talking on the phones. We often have to face a problem to speak or listen to when we are in a crowded place like a stadium, restaurant or some parties and this e-tattoo is designed to reduce these types of problems. It has been highlighted as our thought reader as it is connected to our neck and emblazoned over our vocal cords to interrupt subtle voice commands or our fully internal whispering, that we just think in our mind but not given any approval by our cerebral. We can also conclude that they have not just patented a device that can communicate from our skin, but also a culmination between our souls. As completely ridiculous as this whole throat tattoo thing might sound, it’s far from the first of its kind. Last year, Nokia patented  a “vibrating tattoo” to let you “feel” when someone is calling you. So, you see where all this is going. In the not too distant future, all the devices that we lug around with us will be gradually replaced with electronic tattoos, pills, and embedded chips. This sounds completely like a hi-tech sci-fi movie of Hollywood. Before too long, we’ll be in the Blade Runner territory, and Harrison Ford will be testing to make sure you’re still human. The question is: Will you be?