Wed, 23 Oct, 2024

Talk With Mentors About Training Classes

By Rojan Maharjan

Picture Courtesy:

“DWIT is different”, is what every student hears from the moment they attend the open house sessions, or the first time they enter the college premises. How is DWIT different? Well basically, DWIT boasts of various training and internships, which isn’t in the T.U. curriculum, for its students. That is exactly what it is doing currently with its ongoing training in various fields like animation, android programming, movie making, advanced java, after effects, etc. Since many people are curious about how the participants were selected, how the classes are going to be like, and finally, what the trainers expect from the students at the end of it all, we asked some of the trainers some questions and here are their answers.

Avaya Prasad Pandey (Animation)

On what basis did you select the students for this training?

      Interviews would have usually been concerned with technical questions about animation and Maya 2013 (One of the software used to make 3d animation and the main focus of this course). This was not the case with my selection criteria because being students of IT, no one really knows much about animation. The students mainly wanted to get into the course to find out about animation and if this was a desirable field for them. This proved difficult for me because the normal line of questioning would not work. So instead, of asking technical questions, I decided to ask questions that would give me an idea of creativity that the applicant has and if he/she is suited to the line of work and the set of skills that is demanded by animation.

I have, in fact, already chosen the students for this training and classes have started too.

How are you planning to run these classes? 

     Classes will be held in the manner that most visual art classes are held. I will be instructing students on how to make a certain item by showing them how to do it step by step via a projector. The students will first watch what techniques and tools I use, then do it themselves.

I also intend to use 10 to 5 minutes at the end of every class for animation exercises. These can be things like drawing, watching short animated movie and analyzing them, designing characters and environment etc. What do you expect from the selected students by the end of the training?         I would expect each student to be able to model, texture and animate characters and environments in 3D. I would also expect the students who complete this training to understand that this training was not the end and that this is only a stepping stone if they decide that they want to be animators.

Milan Lohani (Movie Making)

On what basis did you select the students for this training?

      I had a quick interview session with all the applicants. The selection was entirely based upon their performance. The session had random question sets that would be helpful to judge the general, creative and technical knowledge of the applicants.

How are you planning to run these classes? 

       The class will run for 12 hours. First classes will be theoretical. It would be helpful to the students to know the basic elements of filmmaking. These classes include the showcase of the video clips as an example. The remaining class will be procedural. We'll go through the pre-production, production and post-production step by step.

What do you expect from the selected students by the end of the training?

     By the end of training, students should submit a short movie utilizing the techniques they have learned in a class. I expect the students should be able to express their idea by a visual medium. After the training, at least, technical knowledge should not be a barrier.

Saroj Neupane (Android Programming)

On what basis did you select the students for this training?

       I have selected all students who are interested in Android application development using phone gap.

How are you planning to run these classes? 

       I am running classes on a practice basis. In my class, there are no theoretical classes. Students can learn theory while doing work in the class itself.

What do you expect from the selected students by the end of the training?

        My aim is to produce individual Android application from each student.

Sushant Panday ( Advanced Java)

On what basis did you select the students for this training?

     I've selected all the Students who applied on the condition that they don't make excuses to miss the class and comply with assignments and study procedures.

How are you planning to run these classes? 

     The students on my class are on different levels, some are already quite knowledgeable while some needs to refresh their skills. To include all the students, I set up two different class where in one all students are involved and we go as course is planned and on the other we revisit the basic stuffs.

What do you expect from the selected students by the end of the training?

     My expectation from the class on whole is that everyone involved finds it fruitful and learn something in the process.