Tue, 22 Oct, 2024


By Arjun Dahal

Those days are gone, The times we had been along. An army of friends, At the tea stall, Like a flock of sheep. The jokes went on, Insanity at supreme, No worries at all, And the tea talk progressed.   Those times, Still vivid inside of me. I wonder, how fast I've grown, Now, all alone. Only the memoirs left, The reason of my suffocation. Those days were the best, Why was the clock silent then?

About Author:
Arjun Dahal is undergrad student of Physics at Tri-Chandra Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Talkative, Crazy, Funny, and Fun loving guy, his passion lies in Physics, Mathematics, Music, Literature, and Philosophy. His Non-fiction has appeared in Blue Marble Review. His poetry has appeared/forthcoming in Burningword Literary Journal, Autumn Sky Poetry Daily, The Fable Online, Ann Arbor Review, and DWIT News. The links to his published Nepali Poems can be found at arjundahal.blogspot.com.