Wed, 23 Oct, 2024

Students Share their Experience On Building a Home

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All Photos By: Suryaraj Timsina
Mohan Singh Bomrel (3rd Semester Student) On 25th May, some of the students of DWIT went as volunteers to make a temporary house using bamboos and other required materials. Rotary E-Club of district 3292 and Rotaract Club of Hemja had organized the program. We had 16 team members and the place where we headed to was Dadhikot - Anantalingeshwor, Bhaktapur. We left at 10 A.M. and reached our destination at around 12 P.M. Suryaraj Timsina, a student of DWIT and member of Rotaract Club of Hemja coordinated the event. We started carrying bamboos to the place where we were supposed to build a house. I have done this kind of work in my village, so it was not too difficult for me to carry the bamboos. We carried around 25 bamboos to the place. Then we started cutting the bamboos with axes. All of us were taking pride in what we were doing. We cracked jokes to make the work seem less difficult. It was a good experience to work with my friends. The locals also helped us as well. I liked the environment because the area where we went resembles a type of village which does not exist in Kathmandu. [caption id="attachment_6772" align="aligncenter" width="720"]11011522_983624151661227_3520477692839340429_n Volunteers Building A Temporary Shelter[/caption] Barsha Dahal (3rd Semester Student) This feeling of happiness, hard work, achievement, and success is what I felt after I helped build a home. All these feelings can be compared with the actual responsibility and this type of cooperation we had on that day is the only way to rise again. Yes, we will rise again. I, along with some of my friends had already walked down the stairs of reconstructing our country. This disaster was surely the worst nightmare, but to be honest, this was the greatest experience of my life. How life can change or be completely destroyed in a few seconds, I learned from this heart shaking and life-changing disaster. I cried with a fear of death and I became hopeless seeing people die. But my strong soul always dragged me to the place where I can at least do something, let’s say an art of humanity. On 25th May, sixteen students of DWIT went to Dadhikot- Anantalingeshwor, Bhaktapur as the volunteers from the Rotaract Club of Hemja. What we did there was an example, a perfect example of a saying “Cooperation is the only key to the change we want to create.” We built a temporary shelter made of bamboos. We carried bamboos and made a house with help of some of the locals. Carrying bamboos, cutting them and constructing a home is not an easy task, but it was not so difficult because we enjoyed helping each other and making the impossible task possible. I could see the smiles on the face of people who were going to stay in that home. They thanked us and the blessings we got from them was something we can call an actual satisfaction. We were lucky enough to see a home that we made with our own hands. Really no feeling could be so beautiful and so heartwarming than that. I want to thank all my friends who were there and special thanks to our brother Suryaraj Timsina who helped us to prove ourselves as the hardworking and strong workers. [caption id="attachment_6773" align="aligncenter" width="720"]11264895_983624478327861_8117078711621926136_n Inside View of The Completed Shelter[/caption]