Wed, 23 Oct, 2024

First Semester B.Sc.CSIT Students Build a Useful Web Portal

By Ankit Pradhan

Photo Courtesy: Nischal Aryal and Dipesh Bhandari, first semester students studying B. Sc. CSIT at DWIT, have built a website named These students who have just stepped in bachelor’s degree have shown their talent within a few months of attending classes. From the name of the website, anyone can guess that this site provides information about anything best in Kathmandu that may be from a small tea shop to big restaurants and from picnic places to dating areas. In DWIT, it is compulsory that in 1st semester everyone should have his/her own website using drag and drop method via Wix. The same task was given to them by Hitesh Karki, Chief Academic Officer of DWIT. They built their website in Wix and thought that if they could do this in Wix, why can they not give it a try without using drag and drop (Drag and Drop method means you don’t have to write any code, you just go to any of the websites such as and then, there you can find different templates which you can edit to develop the site you want to build). In past they also had a website named VoiceOfGen which was a failure for them but as we all learn from our failures, that one failure couldn’t stop them. They said that Subigya Kumar Nepal, student of DWIT and Senior Intern at DWS, was their first inspiration. They were inspired by the website built by Subigya. They said, “Actually the idea of building came from our personal experience. Whenever we used to search for nice places for get-together with friends, we never used to find any website giving such information about places in Kathmandu. Then we thought that this may not be only our problem, there may be others like us who search for best place in Kathmandu for get-together but never find one." In order to solve this problem and to help others, they have built BestInKTM. In order to build this site and to collect information they had visited other website as well but didn’t find any site that reviewed about worthy places. They have registered their domain from and have hosted their site in They have used WordPress platform to build this site. Alan Khadka, a student of third semester at DWIT, is also one of the members of their team who writes post about different places in Kathmandu. In this site they post reviews of the best places in Kathmandu along with the price range that people should carry while visiting those places. This price range will help the people to visit the places as per their budget. People can rate places they have visited so other can have idea about that place. They have also given the exact location of that place. Places like hike route, dating spots and restaurants. They have collected the data about those places by visiting themselves. At present they have nearly 18 posts about different places to visit in Kathmandu (New Road and Thamel only), but in near future they have plans to cover Lalitpur and Bhaktapur too. When asked Nischal Aryal said that, “This is just our beginning and there is lot more to do in coming future. I hope that his site will be able to help people like us.” Dipesh Bhandari said, “It feels wonderful to make something that you have always desired of. It has pushed me forward to do more.”