Wed, 23 Oct, 2024

Orientation of Batch of 2018 Conducted

By Prakriti Shree Tuladhar

Photo Courtesy: DWIT Administration “Welcome to the start of Freshman Year/Second Semester. I always find the beginning of each semester to be exciting and full of promise for the future. This semester is no exception. I know you had a restless examination, but we are running new semester without break from 15th of April, 2015, because the coming semester is already shaping up to be a busy and productive one.” These were the first welcome words given to the students moving to a new semester by Bijaya Shrestha via email. This was followed by another email mentioning the date and time of the orientation program for the Batch of 2018, students of first year at DWIT. The orientation program of batch of 2018 was held on 15th April, 2015 at DWIT Nuptse Hall. The speakers for the orientation were Hitesh Karki, the Chief Academic Officer at DWIT and Alok Koirala, the Director of R&D at DWIT. Both individuals highly inspired the students by talking about their past and suggesting them a way to deal to their present so that their second semester might be much better than their first. They talked about the problems in the batch of 2018 and suggested ways to solve them. Some problems required simple solutions while some needed much hardwork and effort. After the orientation when asked about their plans for the second semester, the  students replied as follows: Abhishek Khatiwada: I plan to stop procrastinating beginning from today. I am going to do my assignments on time and if possible on the day I get the assignments, not before the deadline. I plan to try a hand of composing music this semester. I also plan to learn many new things. I am going to involve myself in most activities and put my full effort in it. Shreya Acharya: I haven’t figured it all out. I wish this semester brings all fun and less or no stress. First semester got over without any notice. I have a lot to do and a way lot to improve. I am hoping for an awesome semester. Munmun Shrestha: I plan to try hard and work harder so that this semester ends up much better than the last one. Yunish Shakya: I was much troubled my not doing my practicals on time last semester. This semester I am going to stay on top on things and be ahead of the deadline for every practical. I am also going to take my studies more seriously as I have a lot to improve on. Osheen Shrestha: This semester I am going to put in my best effort at everything I do. Hopefully, this semester ends up a lot better than the first. The writer wishes her best to every IT student beginning a new semester. Cheers!! To new beginnings and happy endings!! :) :)