Wed, 23 Oct, 2024

Mega Debate Conducted Successfully

By Shreya Sapkota

Photos: Documentary, Movie and Dramatics
Mega Debate organized by the Deer ExpressDeerwalk Literature Society, and DWIT News with the support of Medication for Nepal was held on July 21, 2017. The prizes were sponsored by The Bakery Cafe and Himalaya Java Cafe and the media partner was the Documentary Movie Dramatics Club. The debate was conducted in Nepali and followed the British Parliamentary Debate Style. The topic of the mega debate was "नेपालमा गर्भपतन कानुनी हुनुपर्छ कि गैरकानुनी" and the event was hosted by Aayusha Paudel ’20. The judges for this event were Mr. Suraj Chandra Sharma, a Chemistry teacher in Deerwalk Sifal School and Mr. Ashish Shrestha, Project Manager at Medication for Nepal. The event started with presentation session by the team of Medication for Nepal - Mr. Ashish Shrestha and Ms. Natasha Limbu. Medication for Nepal is a citizen platform for health fighting to provide healthcare, a basic human right, to all Nepalese people. [caption id="attachment_16996" align="aligncenter" width="2048"]mfn_presentation Mr. Ashish Shrestha and Ms. Natasha Limbu, from Medication for Nepal, giving presentation[/caption] The team talked about the available aids and services provided by the government under different categories. This session was provided in the hope that when someone, somewhere is deprived of treatments and medication, we can help them out. The presentation was followed by the main event, the Mega Debate. As per British Parliamentary Debate Style which is a common form of academic debate, there were two sides called Government and Opposition. Each side consists of four members and the sides were further divided into two teams each.  The Government side was supporting the notion of the topic and the Opposition side was against the notion. In the government side, Opening Government team consisted of Maunta Rani Gautam ’20 as the Prime Minister and Mr. Kishor Adhikari from Deerwalk Services as the Deputy Prime Minister. The Closing Government team consisted of Mandip Prasai ’20 as the Member of the Government and Takdir Bartaula ’19 as the Government Whip. In the opposition side, Opening Opposition team consisted of Shiva Tripathi ’19 as the Leader of the Opposition and Irish Pokharel ’19 as the Deputy Leader of Opposition. The Closing Opposition team consisting Sabina Shrestha ’19 as the Member of the Opposition and Malika Adhikari ’19 as the Opposition Whip. [caption id="attachment_16997" align="aligncenter" width="2048"]Shiva Tripathi, one of the participants of Mega Debate Shiva Tripathi, one of the participants of Mega Debate[/caption] The debate started with the Prime Minister and the speakers alternated between the two sides, ending with the Opposition Whip. Each speaker was given a total of five minutes to speak. The speakers had different ways of delivering their words, some provided good examples and counter examples while some delivered hard facts. The Closing Government team with their hard facts and sharp arguments won the first place. While the Closing Opposition team with their counter arguments confidence and strong point of views became the first runner up. Takdir Bartaula ’19 who had delivered his words with great confidence, precision, and hard facts was given the Best Speaker award and Maunta Rani Gautam with her strong arguments and confidence was awarded as the Best Female Speaker. [caption id="attachment_16998" align="aligncenter" width="2048"]takdir_bartaula_winner Takdir Bartaula, the best speaker, receiving prize from Mr. Ashish Shrestha[/caption] DWIT News would like to congratulate all the winners.