Sun, 22 Dec, 2024

Life Without Fuel Shall Bless Us With Unique Identity

By Asmit Ojha

Whenever I go to the bus station nowadays and try to get into an overly crowded bus to my school, I remember an imaginary writing in English course of our 10+2 'A nightmare life without fuel'. The writer has described a situation in human life when all the forms of fuel are totally exhausted and people totally depend on themselves for all activities. A horrendous situation without diesel, petrol, electricity, coals, etc have been described. Right now, we are not in such a terrible situation, but I have got a feeling, we are not far away.

Actually, if we think deeply, life is not totally impossible without fuel. First of all, Nepal will get rid of all the vehicles, old and outdated, which are playing a huge part in pollution on a daily basis. We will be able to live in a smoke and pollution free, clean and green environment. People will develop habit of walking due to which we will not have to go for morning walks and exercise separately. This will directly contribute to people's health.

If we talk about money, a huge portion of country's economy will be saved which goes on importing vehicles and fuel for existing 2 million vehicles in Nepal. It would directly help uplift people's economic status. In the developmental activities, there will be no construction machines, cranes or lifts so that people will contribute muscle power for the development of their country. This directly plays role in promoting brotherhood along with feeling of patriotism in general public.

It would further encourage Decentralization of resources in Nepal. People would be tempted to develop their home place to get all the facilities in their locality. The unprecedented crowd of Kathmandu will disappear as people will move back to their homes which would have equal facilities as Kathmandu. Thus, Nepal would be a best evenly developed country in the world.

We can also promote unique system of tourism, vehicle less tourism, which would be the one and only in the whole world. Tourists can walk wherever they want to go in Nepal as there are plenty of places as good as paradise to walk around. Hence, this fuel scarcity will surely create our unique identity in the world.

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