Sat, 27 Jul, 2024

IT department Facilitates Knowledge Sharing Session 2

By Shreeya Pandey

Suryaraj Timsina, Head of IT Department at Deerwalk Group                                                                     Photo: DWIT
On July 25, Knowledge Sharing Session was facilitated by the IT Department. This session mainly focused on how IT department was formed and how it manages to provide stable internet facility to Deerwalk Group. Suryaraj Timsina, the head of IT Department, started this session with a brief introduction on how IT department was formed and explained the basic network infrastructure at Deerwalk Group. Furthermore, he explained about the user management of internet facility and the struggles that they had faced during the inception period. Today, the IT department consists of four members and they have been maintaining computer labs, monitoring hotspot of DWIT, solving Deerwalk Sifal School’s (DSS) internet issues and providing IT service to Deerwalk Incubation Centre. Apart from this, for any events like Job Fair, hackathons and workshops IT department has been successful in providing various facilities. The IT department targets to be more flexible with the hardware development, excellent professionalism, and to make the department more convenient for any IT related activities. This session ended with a brief conclusion on the benefits that IT department provided to Deerwalk Group and also with making more progress in this field. Knowledge Sharing Session enables us to know and understand about different ongoing activities carried out by various departments of DWIT. Also, it helps us to know about the level of progress that has been made by these departments. Apart from these, it provides students with the opportunity to learn about various new ideas and concepts apart from what is learned in classrooms that would help us to build a good career in that particular field. Thus, these sessions should be organized timely.