Wed, 23 Oct, 2024

Get To Know Prakriti S. Tuladhar, President of Deerwalk Literature Society

By Aakankshya Shrestha

  Prakriti S. Tuladhar is currently a junior student and the president of Deerwalk Literature Society. She describes herself as an introvert who loves to read stories. Let’s get to know her a little better.   What are the three words your family and friends would use to describe you? Tries to-be happy. What makes you happy? Being busy. What things do you not like to do? I would not like to be in the presence of someone who smokes. Who is your personal hero? Why? We had a teacher named Menosh when we were in the first year, she was simply the best. She was really encouraging motivating and like a family for all of us at the same time. What was your upbringing like? My upbringing was pretty normal. My family has always done what is best for me and that's all anyone could ever wish for.  What’s the one thing people always misunderstand about you? I seem to come off as arrogant a lot. What’s your greatest failure and how did you overcome it? My greatest failure was not acting up when I should have, and frankly, I have not overcome it yet. But it has made me stronger. Why did you choose your respective club? What motivates you to work hard for this club? It was the most laidback club there was and it was fun. And it was about books! There was no way I could not have been just a member. Club goals or club members? What comes first for you? Club goals. And I am sure all my club members would place club goals first. What kind of legacy do you want to leave? I and my club members want to do something that we can be really proud of in a year and that’s we will do.