Sat, 27 Jul, 2024

Deer Fest Testimonials by The Members of DWIT News

By admin

‘Work Hard, Play hard’ The students of DWIT took on the challenge of arranging, preparing and presenting DWIT’s very first cultural festival with much enthusiasm and dedication. I absolutely loved being part of this event and could not have imagined such a fabulous show. I am proud of my students, they are immensely talented, hardworking and I know that they will organize many great events in the coming future. My heartiest congratulations!

- Menosh Appl

Deer fest, the most awaited program was conducted yesterday. It was really fun enjoying with everyone and having mo:mo party. I couldn’t enjoy all the songs and dance programs since I volunteered cook mo:mo. But cooking for the first time was very fun and exciting. We were six people who were given task to coordinate food i.e. Ronit, Suraj, Prasant, Sudeep, Subin, Prabina and me myself. Ronit was the food coordinator and I was given job to give coupon those who come to eat. Though we were busy in cooking mo:mo we were having fun in our own and we had different departments. Some were making dough and some were making mo:mo. As we were just learning to make mo:mo all of us enjoyed very much and it was really fun.

- Ankit Pradhan

The deer fest was like a grand finale, the climactic ending to a movie. Now I don’t know what to do with my life. Here I am, the next day, sitting on a chair on a balcony and staring at the sky, trying to take in all that had happened. Some performances swept me away, some were surprising and some were so mesmerizing that i wouldn't have known if someone had stabbed me then. I want to dance in that backstreet boys song again with my friendos!! Big achievement! Glad to have been there."

- Umang Gurung

There are some moments that we never want to forget for the rest of our lives. Some moments that we never want to pass by. I really had a cool time in the “Deer Fest”. It was an experience that I will remember for a long long time. My first stage dance added some extra flavor. After the completion of the cultural program I along with my friends danced for almost 1 hour. I also made mo:mos along with other friends which reminded me of my childhood. Everyone was having a great time and so did I. The games at the end of the program were quite fascinating. I competed in every game but could not manage to win a single one. I fell on the ground while competing in the one legged race and my hand still hurts. I am eagerly waiting for the Annual fest that we will be celebrating probably on November.

- Bimal Gaire

The Deer Fest was a complete show – absolutely one of a kind. It provided me with memories that will remain with me to the end of the line. This is the first time that I have been on both sides of an event; taking in the performances and performing, and I feel great about it. Every performance that I got to see was captivating and it felt like all of them were directed straight to my heart; I enjoyed everything. It was legendary! I too prepared some mo:mos and it was so badly shaped; I feel sorry for those who got it. ;)

- Bidish Acharya

DeerFest 2014, an incredibly fantabulous and magical day at DWIT so far, was a blend of experiences, learning, fun, excitement, craze, enthusiasm, awesomeness and joviality. The Nupse Hall, venue for DeerFest performances, seemed atypical, more like a chamber of delight. And why wouldn’t it? The performances were enchanting after all. Moving our kalilo kammar in Kalilo Tama, flowing with the rhythm of 'Trisuli Bagera' wearing that wonderful cultural dress, joining the singers as they sang along and shaking insanely to the beats of Harlem Shake was so much fun. Further, being a part of the tribute given by Hitesh Sir and Surendra Sir to the helping staffs at DWIT gave me immense pleasure. Learning to give mo:mo its real shape and structure and playing childish games added to the fun, plus made the day even more awesome. It was certainly a kind of a day I’ll cherish forever. Thanks to the Deerwalkers! DeerFest is indeed a synonym of Fun, indeed!

- Ruby Shrestha

The vibe is still within me. My ears are still captivated by the rhythm of the songs and my feet are still excited to dance to those rhythms, much more, my eyes are starving to see those mesmerizing performances again. Yeah!! We did it; we danced, we sang, we ate and we played like none has ever done it. It was really a great experience to dance on the stage for the very first time in my life and show the whimsical and childish acts to all. No words are sufficient to express those magnificent moments. Further, the songs performed by Hitesh Sir and Surendra Sir to express tribute to the helping faculty at DWIT was really admirable. I respect them! Moreover, it was great fun to make the rotis for mo:mos and eat together with friends from the same bowl and spoons. Talking about the games, I must say I was literally sad, and angry at the same time, for being doomed to play the musical chair game because I hadn’t brought my own plates. I felt that the way the players were asked to move around with the plates on their hands and the way chairs were breaking one after another would ruin the whole fun of the game.But, thank god, the games were really interesting and amazing. All thanks to Hitesh sir. Later, I hated myself for being angry with Hitesh sir, I am really sorry for that. Sorry Hitesh Sir!! I hope you won’t get offended. :D Running with the marbles on the spoon, playing with balls and hopping like frog reminded me of my childhood days. :D The day was really awesome and it was one of the most beautiful moments with the Deerwalkers!! It was the wonderful opportunity to express ourselves. I feel really glad to be the part of it. Thanks to our dear Hitesh sir, Menosh and all the Deerwalkers for all these wonderful memories. Love you all!!

- Asmita Subedi

Arghhhhh.... I am so tired. I wasn’t mentally present during my classes today, although physically I was compelled to be there. Thank God, finally I am home now. Ok, lets dedicate this boring evening to relive the memories of yesterday. Was that the best day of my life? May not be the bestest, but it was really the best one. I can still hear “Kalilo tamalai” and “Trisuli bagera” somewhere inside my mind. Oh my dear mind, let me concentrate on my work as the program is already over. Hahahaha... It was not the first time I had performed a dance on the stage. But still, that dance was something more than just a performance. How can I forget I sang a song on the stage, which I had always wished to do, for the very first time in my life? At least I tried to overcome my fear and be myself. I am proud of you, Barsha! :* Oh darling Menosh, how beautifully you choreographed “Bailando”. We love you for the dance lessons and the life lessons you provide us time and again. The funny part of yesterday was I learnt to make mo:mo. More than me, my mom was glad to hear that. I wish every day of my life would be memorable as yesterday. Yesterday will always bring a huge smile on my lips and happiness in my heart forever. However, something that pinched me yesterday was that my ‘fuchie’ Asmita could not play musical chair just because she had not brought her own plates and spoon with her. I know certain things should be systemized, but sometimes happiness should be set free. If it’s fun time, then rules and regulations should be kept aside, in my point of view. Anyways, everyone has their own reasons and thinking. To sum up, I want to say this so loud that everybody can hear my voice, “Yahoo I was in love with the day. DeerFest was the best moment that I have lived so far at DWIT.”

- Barsha Dahal

So talking about DeerFest, it was amazing. I was a participant and so I woke up early in the morning, I ran from my home and reached my college. I along with my team members practiced for some time and then Menosh came. She started putting on makeup on me and my friends. Everyone looked amazing; it was like we were not ourselves and we were a bunch of beautiful girls sitting together. Ha-ha, it sounds fun right now. We danced, we sang. Speaking the truth, we all went wild. Then, we went to make mo:mos. It was tasty. There were games and everyone started enjoying. We played and some of them even won. I was jealous ha-ha. But I really wished we had a holiday on Monday. I was tired as hell and got sick. But, the event was awesome and I would like to describe it as one of the best memories on my memory lane. :D

- Shreha Regmi

August 24’ 014, the happiest day of my life in college. Not only me but every deerwalker was excited to the fullest on that day since it was the most awaited “DEERFEST”. It was a tiresome day, yet a very, very good experience of things I had never tried before. I think this day will be remembered by me till the time I grow old. Everything that happened in this fest was the first experience for me. Dancing in front of everyone on a pure nepali “jhyaure” song was not so me. But I did it and it was real fun. I made mo:mo’s, me who has not even cooked rice before. I had to try a lot of times. But I somehow learned to make mo:mo’s. I even fell down on a chair with Avushan while playing Musical chairs. We both were hurt, me on my left hand and Avushan on his nose. But I think it’s going to be the best scar we’ve ever got! Another most awkward or let’s say interesting moment to me was, playing a surprise game in which one had to carry his/her partner and run. And my partner was Sagar dai. It was really awkward for me as we had not talked so nicely before but it was an exciting game and we enjoyed a lot. I even played “spoon & marble” race and stood second (though I didn’t get any prize). We were completely childish that day which was really joyful. This day shall always be remembered by me. :D

- Sneha Parajuli

The event was very exciting. I was very happy that I could perform songs in mass though I was little bit nervous before the show. It was good to see some friends performing their first dance. It was fun dancing at the backside. I will never forget the moment of making mo:mo with friends, though we were not able to make a good one. It was very fun taking part in games like musical chair, penalty shootout. It is the best moment that I have had in DWIT till now.

- Sushant Gurung

Organizing such a huge event in just couple of days was rather a test for each one of us. It almost seemed impossible to organize such an event so successfully, which at last turned out to become an irreplaceable day in every pair of eyes that had its presence. It was a awesome day, with stage fear that many of us gracefully fought with, melody of voice that vibrated along with the instruments which created an mesmerizing tune into our minds, creative flow of the voices of MCs that jolted the audience to laughter and surprises and so on. The mo:mo making clearly demonstrated how well co-ordinate we can be when hands come together working and synchronizing. This was indeed an unforgettable event of my life. I gained a lot and was able to know what I am capable of doing. Everyone could sense the happiness that has remarkably been stamped into the hearts of audiences and the organizers. Fun Fest called Deer Fest.

- Nikita Gautam