Wed, 23 Oct, 2024

Debate session of DeerTalk conducted

By Asmit Ojha

0n 4th April 2014, the debate session of the 3rd DeerTalk season was conducted in Nupse Hall. "Love marriage vs. Arrange marriage" was the topic to be debated as decided by the DeerTalk Team. Like other sessions, there were six participants, three talking in favor of Love marriage and three against it.

Surprisingly, there was an interesting twist at the beginning of the program. Four students were invited as special speakers other than regular participants. They were, those people who had dared to drop out last session of this program and break the rules of DWIT. So, as a part of their punishment, they had to deliver a short speech on "Importance of English language to IT students".

As the program began formally, there started a heated debate on the topic. As per the decision made by the DeerTalk Club, Sameer Shrestha (Batch 2015), Aabhusan Gautam (Batch 2017), and Bidish Acharya (Batch 2016) were the three talking in favor of Love marriage. And those preferring Arrange marriage over Love marriage were Nisha Dhungana (Batch 2017), Anju Shahi (Batch 2016) and Dipesh Poudel (Batch 2017). Each of the participants spoke well and rebutted other’s words. One of the participants caught the attention of everyone by comparing Love and Arrange marriage with "Windows and Linux Operating systems” and made the session even more interesting. Sameer Shrestha got the chance to rebuttal at last as he was the very first one to give the speech. Sadly, no one managed to use Deerword of the day "Zany" during their talk, which would have gained them one extra point as per the rules.

After the debate was over, we all got to hear an interesting story from our academic director, Hitesh Karki. He talked about his incidents, the ups and downs he had to face before he finally got to marry the woman he loved for long years. In the end, he seemed to be favoring love marriage over the arrange marriage.

As per the marks given by the judges, Sameer Shrestha (Batch 2015) scoring the highest, 16 out of 20 was declared the winner. He got rewarded as the program ended up with a huge round of applause from the audience.

For additional information, contact:
Asmita Bista, President – The DeerTalk Club; Email: [email protected]; Phone: 4-485424.

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