Tue, 22 Oct, 2024

Dear Future Girlfriend

By Kundan Shumsher Rana

Dear Future Girlfriend,

I don't know if I have already seen or met you by now. May be you are amongst those hundreds of girls I have passed by, talked to or flirted with during my lifetime. Or maybe I have yet to meet you. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing I am desperately waiting for your arrival in my life. It’s killing me that I don’t have you yet, and I am missing the time we haven’t even had yet.

I wonder how you look like… Independent, confident, mysterious and sexy girl in tight jeans and a shirt with evenly toned skin, glossy lips, talking and laughing… or Are you the classical Nepali beauty??? It wouldn't really matter me a lot.. I will spend every day telling you how amazing you are, and when you’re done, I will listen and then make you laugh with my goofiness. I will never give you reason to doubt me, or distrust me. I do find it hard to open up, but I will do that for you, because I know it’s important. Once I care, I will never stop, you have my word.

I can’t promise to make all your problems go away, but I can promise you that you won’t have to face them alone. I’ll always be by your side, through thick and thin. You can count on me to be there. I can weather the storm. And I will go above and beyond my call of duty to make you aware of how much you mean to me with tokens of my love and affection along the way. I can’t promise I’ll be perfect. I can’t promise we’ll never be sad. I can’t promise you won’t get sick of me. But I can assure you that I’ll never ever get over your smile. I promise to give you space when you ask for it. I promise I’ll always remind you how wonderful you are. I know I can never be those Hollywood super-heroes whom most of the girls fancy to be their dream boy, but I can promise you that I'll kill all the spiders that terrify you. And It's for sure that I won't even expect any "Powerpuff Girls" like stuffs from you. I’ll send you random cute text messages to let you know how much you mean to me. On rainy days, we can stay in and watch cheesy and scary movies and cuddle.

Love and relationships are two different entities. These day relationships are taken for granted. Gone are those days where people would allow nature to take its course and progress a relationship naturally, effortlessly. Now People start a new relationship before a previous relationship ends. They try to find a function in dysfunctional toxic relationships. They make poor choices along the way thinking somehow they will magically learn from their mistakes, but more often than not, they just seem to repeat their past. All of us, to some extent, fall into these same patterns. While we may toss aside a heart as if it was yesterday’s trash, we often look back, but we rarely turn back. Though the cynical side of me says nothing lasts forever I will give my extraordinary effort to make our relationship everlasting. Even after the initial phase of our relationship, I would never let it fade off. I will do my best to keep it fresh, exciting, and livelier than ever. Believe me, every new day in our relationship shall bring aroma that will act as a fuel for our relation.

I’m not a conventional romantic, I probably won’t buy you flowers often or anything like that, unless I know it really means something to you, but I will always go out of my way for you. I will surprise you with little things that I know will make you happy or bring a smile to your face. I feel glad to see your mood lighten up, especially knowing that I am the reason behind the smiles. I’m a movie person, I love them. That's why you can expect few QFX movie tickets during the weekends.There shall be few more small surprises not just only on your birthday or any calendar marked holiday but also on other ordinary days..every single ordinary day turns into an extraordinary day when you're with me.

I am not a flashy guy..rather I would love silent relationship. I don't think the big announcement of our relationship status will help us.. After all, we are not celebrities. I request you not to take this as my reluctancy to introduce you as my girlfriend. I am pretty sure that I won't shut up about you to my family and friends. Never ever feel bad even if we don't have any co-photographs taken..And I seriously won't take any common photo with you just for your Facebook profile picture. You need a more genuine reason than this.

I love to hang out with my buddies during holidays. I hope it wouldn't bother you too much.. I do have few close "lady friends". So don't get annoyed when I hang out with them or make a phone call to them. And I promise you that they would never come between our relationship. Moreover, I would allow to be with your male colleagues unless it smells something awful. I probably love you more than I love myself. I don't like complications, but if there is any we would resolve it together. Please never make your ex-boyfriend a point of discussing because I can get jealous and feel very insecure. If you noticed this just tell me "Baby, I love you and am with you for life."And when a very attractive girl walks by, I will hold your hand tight and tell you that you are a million times prettier.

It’s so weird to write about you, knowing the fact that you don't exist. But still its your immense love that drives me to write. Whenever I have a crush with someone I tend to believe that "She's the one". But it never happened. I’m sure, when I finally meet you, God will tap me in the shoulders and whisper to my ears: “Son, she’s the one.”


To-be future boyfriend