Wed, 23 Oct, 2024

Clubs at DWIT: From the Presidents for the Freshmen

By Aasha Poudel

Picture Courtesy: Sneha Parajuli

Since the freshmen are not properly aware about all the clubs at DWIT, DWIT News decided to accumulate “the most appealing thing” about each club from the Presidents for the freshmen.

DWIT Freshmen, get to know about the DWIT Clubs and make the right choice when choosing your club of interest!

DeerExpress Club

1. It provides platform to express yourself and know who you are and what you can do or express. 2. It builds leadership quality, management skills as well as team development. 3. It motivates its members to become creative by bringing in new ideas to conduct programs.

Sports Club

Sports Club deals with all the sports events that happen in DWIT including tournaments, weekend events. The most appealing thing about our club is that we handle every sports events and everyone loves sports. We have the authority to organize events that the students of DWIT are interested in.

Book Club

Book Club is dedicated in developing writing skills, reading habit, interaction capabilities and critical analysis, but the most appealing things are : • Prize for the one who writes good summary after the completion of a particular book. • Chocolates during quiz competition. • Get to eat snacks such as cookies, chips, etc • Coffee during winter season. • Juice during summer season. • We eat various recipes every Thursday after doing the weekly meeting of the book.

Healthy conversation on various topics are done with one another, we share horror stories, personal subject matter among ourselves sometimes. Moreover, we invite two guests every time we start a new book.

DeerChautari Club

The DeerChautari Club is the only club in DWIT which provides platform for idea sharing, problem solving and software demo. We conduct Chautari-Session where different ideas of DWIT students are discussed and comments are provided. We also have discussion on different topics like technologies, IT facts, course problems etc. We try our best to help students struggling with course related problems. We have also conducted different demo of software developed by DWIT students and seminar. We also invite students from other colleges so that connection can be made between students and discussion can be carried out.

Software Club

Software Club provides environment to learn more about how software is built, how it can be made saleable, what are the things that should be taken into consideration for building a good product etc. Opportunities to participate in inter college software activities and events are also provided by this club.

Hiking Club

The most appealing thing about Hiking Club is that you just don’t explore places, but explore what is within you. Moreover, you learn about teamwork and leadership.

Music Club

One and only unplugged session in DWIT "RAW RHYTHMS" is conducted by Music Club. Music club is one of the clubs where we can follow our passion and show our creativity.

IT Club

The most appealing thing about IT Club is learning new things. IT Club is solely responsible for all the IT related tasks inside DWIT. The tasks we perform are: PC repairing, monitoring and configuring devices like Switches, Routers, etc. We also monitor Internet hotspots for all the teachers and students of DWIT. We learn and share knowledge as a team.

Media Club

Some students might be interested in photography and some might be interested in journalism. Be it video editing or anchoring, there is room for everyone in Media club. This club not only improvises video editing skills, but also helps to improve speaking skills. You'll be more clear after you watch our videos.

Here's the link:

DWIT News Club

The most appealing thing about DWIT News club is the presence of atmosphere of teamwork, friendly discussions, and learning. With every issue of DWIT News, the members get an opportunity to improve their writing. Besides, interviewing people, meeting and communicating with new people and knowing about things around is always fun!

Documentary and Movie Club

Documentary and Movie Club entertains students with the most productive documentaries and movie shows. There are two movie events and a documentary show in a month. The recommendations for the shows come from the students themselves and this makes the shows worthwhile. A fortnightly movie is relished with drinks and popcorn. We conduct regular quiz. Besides, tickets are given as prize for chosen and deserving patron.

Social Service Club

The most appealing thing about Social Service Club is the feeling you get after you help someone! It is worth experiencing such feeling.