Sat, 08 Feb, 2025

Celebrating Sandesh's Bornday

By Arjun Dahal

(Solely dedicated to my Positively Nonsensical friend Sandesh Lamichane commenly hailed as Aape/Mango).   Drunk, stoned and intoxicated, now I write, With those old memories, still vivid in my sight. Hurling through the mind, my pen accelerates, For I think, It's mandatory to write on your Bornday.   The streets of Chabahil, we yelled. From Underground to Medicare, blindly we sailed. Every single day, now I recall, we had bunked. Those teenage times, we were completely doomed.   Stoned we were at Kalanki, Khasi Bazaar, You trolled me with the LPG gas tanker. ( Run Maaley, was your famous word and I too nearly ran off)   Drunk we were at Gopi Krishna Cinemas, I showed the circus and you were in horror. (The facial expression you had, I replied the security guard  being insanely drunk," I am Jimi Hendrix".)   Busted for smoking in the college, We marched parade with a glory. ( My Handshaking Comedy ) The memories, countless and infinite, We thus had a glad history.   Always doing crazy, I was the monkey one, Bearing my burdens, you were the donkey one. Let's wait till the day, When my philosophy shall reign. For, Monkey and Donkey are two parts of a same coin.   You have always listened to my never ending talks, Thus my stupid poem ain't gonna be the new. Happy Bornday, stay blessed. You really have no idea, "How badly I'm missing you?"

Arjun Dahal is undergrad student of Physics, at Tri-Chandra Campus, Tribhuwan University. His interests include Physics, Mathematics, Music, Literature, and Philosophy. His Non-fiction has appeared/forthcoming in Blue Marble Review and Yellow Chair Review. His Poetry has appeared/forthcoming in Burningword Literary Journal, Ann Arbor Review, and DWIT News. His published Nepali poems can be found via