Sun, 09 Feb, 2025

BSc. CSIT, Second Semester: Board Exams on Such Short Notice

By Prakriti Shree Tuladhar

Picture Courtesy: DWIT News

There are two things to know before reading this article.

  1. This piece is being written by a student of second semester studying BSc. CSIT at DWIT. who is to give the semester boards in two weeks.
  2. The first part of statement 1 is obvious. 

Dear readers,

This short piece is not about what to do when the exams are near. No. No. No. Even the person writing this article does not know enough about it to be able to write “guff” and fill a page of the word document the person is currently on.

Also, this piece is not going to complain about the abruptness of exams. After all, even the people who come to college to sleep all day knew that the exams were before Dashain. And mind you when I say people know when Dashain is and people know the months of the year by heart, I am not being sarcastic. This also has two reasons.

  1. Dashain is the main “thing” we Nepalese have in our culture and we all sincerely look forward to it all year. And it’s kind of a little sad that Microsoft word wants me to replace Dashain with Dashawn, Deshaun, and Dasani.
  2. We have passed 18 plus years each having the same 12 months on a loop. Never mind the fact that we have been tested on writing the months of the year already in our childhood.

January, Febuary, March, April…

Wait, it’s Februrary. No Feburary. Well, it’s definitely shortened as Feb.

As I said, never mind that fact.

Even so, after all this is said, the exams routine did come only 20 days prior to the exam itself amongst speculation that the exams this year would be held after Dashain. Maybe this was done on purpose. I am not blaming anyone out here. But the fact remains that the exams seem a little…no… a lot rushed. The college finals were scheduled just some days after the board examination routine was published. We have college finals scheduled 10 days before the boards, and we have the board exams two days after the completion of finals with no time for practical exams (which may or may not be held during the 15 days Dashain vacations).

Hmm that being said, this article seems more like a rant now than an article. Still no one said rants can’t be articles. Maybe some people did but then again

  1. The person writing this article does not know those people. And also, with the population that we have in the world, everything must have been said by some one or the other.
  2. This time, the whole of statement 1 is obvious.

So, the second semester exams are coming and they are coming real soon. They are right there. You can just check the calendar and you’ll see just where it is at the moment.

So, as a part word, “Hakuna matata”!

(* And now in the voice of the people who read the * part hurriedly in advertisements)

“You were warned that the person writing the article does not know enough of what to say on the topic of exams.”