Fri, 26 Jul, 2024

Advancing to Earth- Part II

By Dipesh Poudel

Photo Courtesy: Everyone took a deep breath as our spaceship lands on an alien planet called earth. Everybody on our ship looks nervous and excited at the same time. I think humans of earth are also feeling the same. After we receive a message from humans on earth saying that all the arrangements have been made and now we can land our spaceship on their planet. As soon as we received the message we called for a backup team to stay on standby so that they can rescue us and attack planet earth if humans try something silly. As we stepped out of our spaceship we found ourselves surrounded by many humans welcoming us to their home planet. They had made a stadium like structure to land our ship. There were many people in that stadium. The secretary of the United Nations (U.N.) came to receive us. He said that he would be talking to us on behalf of the earth and humans. It made things easier for us because the earth has many countries and they are ruled by different systems and people and it would be difficult for us to communicate with them. The secretary of U.N said that we were free to visit any country on planet earth without any disturbance. He said this while shaking hands with our captain and there were fireworks everywhere. As we introduced ourselves with U.N secretary and his team there was a nice music playing in the background. It was a great music to inscribe this moment in our and their history with golden letters. We are completely different, but very similar. We come from two different solar systems miles apart from each other, but we have a lot of similarities. We have similar kinds of diversity in culture like humans, the only difference is that they have divided their planet into different countries but we have not. We play similar kinds of musical instruments to produce music. Like them, we also have the custom of shaking hands. Most importantly we look alike. If a human and Zodian is sitting together it would be very difficult to say who is a human and who is a Zodian. The humans had organized a grand party to welcome us. In that party we meet with many important figures of the earth. They were relieved to hear that we liked their food. They were delicious. We are taking some recipes with us to Zodia. While talking to each other both humans and Zodians had to choose their words properly so that we don’t start a war with each other. Even though we are advanced than humans in terms of technology we are little bit behind in terms of warfare and weaponry. The atmosphere in the party was pretty intense. There was a mixed look of fear, joy, nervousness and excitement in everyone’s eyes. We enjoyed a lot in the party. After the party we were introduced to a group of people from various fields and told that if we need any sort of information about earth they will provide us and if we feel like sharing our knowledge then we could share with them. They were like interpreters between us and humans. Promising to work together from next day we all went to take some rest.