Mon, 17 Mar, 2025


By Nikita Gautam

How often do people use mobile phones? It’s an obvious answer, right? Indeed it is, "EVERYTIME".  Mobile phones are machines that are portable, tiny, light, advantageous, applied and all-purpose electronic devices. Mobile phones have consolidated features of a computer into it. What is the first thing a person would look for after waking up?  For sure, his/her mobile phone. Even in the class students seek an opportunity to use his/her mobile phone, even only for an instance. If you find someone not doing his/her work, you will surely encounter them using their cell phones as these have become an irreplaceable machine. Different applications and games occupy everyone's head now. Mobile phones are something that you will never miss to carry, never miss to place it on the side of your bed while you're asleep and never miss to check out notifications every now and then. I wonder how many people have become crazy about mobile phones in the last few years. It has been statistically predicted that the use of mobile phones will double in the next ten years to come. It has also been predicted to be a silent disease infested or killed, in a broad sense. How often you think about your brain waves while talking to your closest ones through your cell phones? Never, why even bother with the details when you’re having fun? How often it affects us, no-one wants to know it and even if they are aware of it, they will simply choose to ignore the fact. Health is a precious jewelry, but still, we let it expose to radiations. A pregnant woman lets her baby get affected. We let our ears, brain and heart get easily exposed and ultimately affected. These radiations emit signals via radio waves and through the release of electrons; tissues get damaged, which ultimately leads to various other disastrous happenings inside the human body. We can never see or smell or touch radiation. Yes, there are many ways to study them, but normal people are far from such studies. When we use our mobile phones for a long time, we often feel heat coming out of it, but we choose to ignore it as always. In fact, this increases our body temperature by a fraction of degrees. Sleep disorders, headaches, fatigue, discomfort, irritation, etc. can be the effect of mobile phones, directly or indirectly. Mobile phones, in fact, aren’t the only cause of these harmful effects but yet they contribute. In today’s generation, we cannot even imagine ourselves without a cell phone in our hands. Yet we can never ignore the fact that it is harmful to us. The best we can do is to try to minimize its effects. Some solutions can be, keeping the cell phones at least two feet away from the body especially the brain and ears. Using headphones can also minimize radiations. Your strongest companion can also become your enemy in many ways. Your attitude towards it can define what it becomes. It can be a strongest companion if its negative impacts can be minimized. The harmful effects of mobile phones will always prevail, but it’s always good to stay safe by minimizing the effects. After all, prevention is better than cure, isn’t it?