Fri, 14 Mar, 2025


By Navaraj Kharel

We all are aware of the fact that it’s a big transition from high school to the college level. I think it’s the most perplexing situation and a tedious job to choose a college where we can make our dreams come true .We all need a college which will make a difference in our lives and where we can sharpen our skills throughout our undergraduate life. Deerwalk Institute of Technology stands right out among the colleges of computer science in Nepal in its uniqueness. It is managed and supported by  IT professionals who have decades of experience in this field and runs under the supervision of the entrepreneur of a USA  based software company, Deerwalk Inc. I believe that choosing DWIT for computer science was the best decision that I made. I was not seeking the most comfortable place to study, but rather where I can thrive intellectually and emotionally. I believe that the most important and beneficial learning might be challenging, learning where I can take up all the courses which can terrify me and make me work on my own from the first day of my college. A particular young person may not rise to the top if his learning starts and ends with comfort. It is only excessive pressure and temperature which turns coal into a valuable diamond. When I attended the Open House Session 10 of DWIT, I came to know that this is the college where I can get challenges and the challenges lie in the non-credit courses that the college has made compulsory to all the students. We are well aware of the fact that we all are living in a technocratic society, and English language has become the most used communication language among people. It was a good-to-know fact that DWIT has made English course compulsory up to five semesters and frequent presentations, seminars, Deertalk programs and debate competitions are organized internally. Such programs will certainly help us polish our critical thinking and communication skills. The beauty of DWIT education lies in its provision of skills and ways of thinking to the students. With what I have heard of and seen myself, I reckon that this college efficiently disseminates skills needed to work in teams and thrive, skills to write deterministically, to think critically, to analyze with accuracy and to develop higher order reasoning and independent thoughts. I am pretty sure that I can take these things anywhere in the world. Furthermore, the variety of clubs operating here at DWIT will help me amass extra knowledge besides academics. I feel certain that the knowledge I gain by sharing an association with the clubs will assist me to dig into real world problems and to have fun while studying. The most impressive and beautiful part that lies here in DWIT  is that interested and selected students can do some hours of work at Deerwalk Services and get paid for it. I consider that impressive and beautiful because I believe that service learning is as valuable as a classroom time. In addition to these, DWIT organizes coding competitions periodically and the Research Department here helps the students to launch their own commercial applications, helps them to dig into real world problems right in the class room. At DWIT, I can directly interact with the person who have decades of experience in the field of computer technology and get taught by best faculty members. Studying here, I can expand my skills without getting bored, by enjoying the way I learn. Moreover, in this deeply interconnected world, DWIT wants their students to be leaders, crazy-smart people who can make a difference. It will be tough to study here because of all those non-credit courses and many classes for programming languages. But in the end, the payoff will be greater, and obviously better. There is no better way to learn, explore and advance in the field of study than to conduct research and drench ourselves in the approach of understanding the doctrine and questions of our chosen field of study. Therefore, I chose to be different and luckily I was also chosen too! ☺